Addiction does not affect any one demographic, personality type or profession. Addiction affects people from every walk of life without discrimination, which includes people who work in the tourism industry. Professionals of the tourism industry can be particularly susceptible to addiction problems for a number of reasons, particularly because of stress, the party atmosphere that can come with the tourism industry and because of the personality profiles of tourism industry professionals.
Most high-money earning industries come with a certain amount of stress for their workers, and tourism is no exception. The level of customer service and expediency are supposed to be superior to that of any other profession. Whether it is hospitality, dining, nightlife, tourism services or meeting spaces, the people running the facilities are expected to be the utmost in cordiality and efficiency. Tourism professionals are in charge of a large number responsibilities, such as managing employees, overseeing the operations of their tourism facility and administration work. The stress that can come with these responsibilities can be monumental, and many tourism professionals turn to addiction and substance abuse as a way of escaping.
The tourism industry is the ultimate vehicle for the party lifestyle. Every party destination in the world is hosted by the tourism industry, from Cancun to New Orleans to Ibiza. To work in this industry is to be constantly surrounded by the party lifestyle that carefree travelers exude. Many tourism professionals find it impossible to stay away from this scene and get sucked into a world of indulgences and substance abuse.
Lastly, tourism industry professionals are typically cut from a certain kind of cloth. Many of them fit the personality type of perfectionist, A-type and master of ceremonies. This kind of person is broad thinking and high-functioning, which is the general profile of a person who is prone to addiction. Addicts are commonly found to be high-functioning individuals who seek out challenges, which is why it is not uncommon to find an addict working in the tourism industry.
Tourism industry professionals who are struggling with addiction should know that addiction rehab professionals and mental health specialists are very familiar with the underlying reasons behind their addiction problems and can be enormously helpful. High quality, luxurious rehabilitation centers are available to addicts throughout North America, including executive rehabilitation America and luxury rehabilitation Canada. If you or someone you love is a tourism industry professional who is battling addiction, reach out immediately to an addiction treatment center with a program specializing in working professionals.