The tourism industry is known for its excitement and hospitality, but one side of the tourism industry that is seldom discussed is the tendency for its professionals to become addicts. There are certain stress factors, hardships and environmental influences that propagate addiction within the tourism industry. The work hours and presentation standards can be stressful, and professionals are constantly in close proximity to the riotous behavior of tourists and vacationers. These surroundings can wear on a person over time and influence them toward addictive behavior, either as a means of self medicating or an escape.
The pressure and stress on tourism professionals can be high. This can be said of many professions, but tourism has a particular edge that can rattle its workers. Tourism professionals spend a great deal of time thinking on their toes. A vast number of things can go wrong in the tourism industry, ranging from overbooked rooms to broken facilities to miscommunications with guests. Keeping customers happy and comfortable is essential to the tourism industry and a great deal of improvisation is required to achieve this at times. This can create anxiety and tension within the person putting out the fires, and sometimes they choose to experiment with addictive substances or activities in order to escape from stress.
Tourism professionals are also surrounded by the excess one allows themselves on vacations. Because these professionals are constantly dealing with tourists, they are inundated by the lifestyles of tourists. This has an impact on even the sturdiest of tourism professionals. While they may be a model of professionalism on the job, once they are off the clock, they frequently turn to the same releases they are exposed to all day; even the ones who ordinarily would not dabble in them. This frequently includes alcohol, party drugs, sex and gambling. These releases may seem like a good idea at first, but it is not long until the individual loses their ability to moderate and limit their behavior, and addiction has set in.